Economic Development
- Case Studies for Performance Measurement, for Enterprise Cape Breton Corporation (2010 & 2013)
- Environmental Skills: Demand and Supply in the Green Economy for ECO-Canada (with Corporate Research Associates)
- An Evaluation of Nova Scotia’s Export Programs for Nova Scotia Economic & Rural Development
- An Evaluation of University Business Development Centres in Nova Scotia, for ACOA Nova Scotia
- Study of the Biosciences Industry in Atlantic Canada, for the Atlantic Provinces Economic Council
- Economic Impacts of Research Spending on the Economy of Nova Scotia, for Nova Scotia Economic & Rural Development & Tourism (2007 and 2009)
- A Subsector Analysis of Manufacturing Productivity in Nova Scotia, ACOA Nova Scotia
- Destination Cape Breton Island Tourism Marketing Strategy, with Vibe Communications
- A Study of Certification as a Barrier to Export Development, for Nova Scotia Economic & Rural Development & Tourism
- Economic Impact of the Industrial Expansion Fund for Nova Scotia Economic Development, 2001-2006
- Economic Impact of Nova Scotia Business Inc, 2001 to 2006 (2007)
- Evaluation of Business Development Program: Estimation of Program Results for Key Indicators for ACOA Head Office
- Atlantic Innovation Fund: Development and Implementation for Benchmarking the Results of Funded Projects for ACOA
- ACOA Business Development Program: Development of a Results-Based Management and Accountability Framework
- Evaluation of the Service Export Program for the Nova Scotia Office of Economic Development
- Evaluation of the Supplier Development Program for the Nova Scotia Office of Economic Development
- Evaluation of the Small Business Financing Program for Nova Scotia Office of Economic Development and the NS Cooperative Council
- An Evaluation of the SmartBusiness Program of the Greater Halifax Partnership, for ACOA and NS Department of Education
- A Profile of Small Business and Entrepreneurship in Nova Scotia for ACOA Nova Scotia
- Formative Evaluation of ACOA’s Women in Business Initiative
- Review of Entrepreneurship and Business Skills Development Projects for ACOA
- Review of ACOA’s Policy for Community Economic Development in Nova Scotia (2003)
- Evaluation of the Canada/Nova Scotia Information Economy Initiative, for ACOA and Nova Scotia Economic Development
- Economic Impact of the New York Islanders Training Camp on the Economy of Yarmouth, Nova Scotia, for ACOA Nova Scotia (2005, 2006)
- The Economic Impact of the Nova Scotia Design Sector, for Design in Business Nova Scotia (with Fourth Wave Associates)
- Access to Capital Review for ACOA: Professional Consulting Support on Access to Capital Issues for ACOA review committee
- Capital Accessibility in Nova Scotia: Perspectives of SMEs, for ACOA Nova Scotia
- ACOA Young Atlantic Canadian Entrepreneurship Research: Special Advisor on Labour Market Analysis and Issues
- Program Review of ACOA’s Policy for Community-Based Economic Development in Atlantic Canada
- Evaluation of the ACOA Seed Capital ConneXion Program for Young Entrepreneurs in Atlantic Canada
- Program Design and Implementation Plan for a new Customized Training Program to support Investment and Trade in Nova Scotia, for NS Economic & Rural Development and Tourism
- An Evaluation of the Skill Loans and Grants Pilot Projects in Nova Scotia, on behalf of Human Resources Development Canada and the NS Department of Education & Culture
- An Evaluation of the Business Planning Process in NS for Human Resources Development Canada, 1998
- Skills Loans and Grants Program in Nova Scotia: Model Design, Implementation Strategy and Evaluation Plan for the Nova Scotia Department of Education and Culture and Human Resources Development Canada
- Evaluation Framework for the Community Health Promotion Fund for the Nova Scotia Department of Health
- Evaluation of Business Development Program for ACOA Head Office: Development of Statistical Sampling Methodologies for Key Indicators
- Evaluation of the Business Development Program for ACOA Head Office: Implementation of BDP Case Studies
- Evaluation of the Business Development Program for ACOA Head Office: Development of Case Study Methodologies
- Integrated Performance Plan for Trade Team Nova Scotia (2003)
- Evaluation of the Nova Scotia Export Prospector Program (2003)
- Statistical Methodological and Analytical Support for New Brunswick Physician Supply and Demand Analysis for NB Health and Wellness (with Fujitsu Consulting, 2003)
- Evaluation of the Muggah Creek Interceptor Sewer Project, part of the Canada/Nova Scotia Sydney Tar Ponds and Coke Ovens Cost-Share Agreement
- Evaluation of Youth Health Centres in Nova Scotia for the Nova Scotia Department of Health
- Evaluation Framework for the Canada/Nova Scotia Sydney Tar Ponds and Coke Ovens Cost-Share Agreement
- ACOA Evaluation of the Marketing Manager Program: Methodology Design and Analysis
- Evaluation of the Canada/Nova Business Service Centre Regionalization Initiative
- Performance Framework for the Halifax Regional Development Agency: Professional Support in the Development Process
- Evaluation of Selected Fisheries Resource Adjustment Measures (FRAM) Projects in Nova Scotia
- Evaluation of the Canada-Nova Scotia International Years of Music Program
- Business Plan Development for the Global Information Networking Initiative (GINI) at Dalhousie University
- ICT Alignment in NS: A Snapshot of Federal Funding Initiatives in Nova Scotia
- Evaluation of the ACOA University Business Development Centres at Acadia, St. Mary’s, Mount St. Vincent and St. Francis Xavier Universities (1999)
- Review of the Atlantic Canada Tourism Partnership on behalf of ACOA and the governments of the four Atlantic provinces with ARA@KPMG, (1999)
- Evaluation of the Nova Scotia International Years of Music Program, for NS Economic Development and Tourism, and NS Education and Culture (1999)
- Project management support to the Faculty of Computer Science at Dalhousie University for its Phase 2 Application to the Canada Foundation for Innovation: Centre for Advanced Research and Development in Global Information Networking
- Design, Implementation and Analysis of the 1999 Membership Survey for the Medical Society of Nova Scotia